It is pleasing to see a society specifically set up to look after the interests of Malaysian students studying at Lancaster University looking after all their needs and requirements.
It is a shame that no one has set up a L U Malaysian Gay Students Society as it is common knowledge that many of the students are Gay who due to the Malaysian Culture cannot fully 'come out' as a Gay. This is causing them to lead 2 lives - one as a respectable student studying for their degrees - but the other life they live is a more seedy one where they have to meet very discreetly either by smuggling guys into their rooms for sex or undertaking sexual activities outdoors/in cars. You may be shocked by this but it is the truth.
In fact there is a committee member who undertakes this activity where he meets guys and has undertaken these activities and its a shame that he cannot fully be accepted as a Gay in this Malaysian community. I do not intend to name the individual as he is not the only one having to lead 2 seperate lives, as there are many more at LU. All you need to do is search for them on various gay websites.
I have set up this new topic as it would be worth having a discussion about why Malaysian guys who opt to be Gay have to succumb to peer pressures.
The other concern is that the individual, a respected committee member still practices unprotected sex with guys placing himself and others at risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted deseases, which in this day and age is totally unacceptable. He does this 'for the love of the guys and will succumb to any sexual activity to satisfy guys needs'.
So this topic has 2 discussion points.
1.Why is Homosexual activity still not accepted in the Malaysian Culture?
2. Why are individuals still practising unprotected sex with strangers?
I hope this topic is discussed and not removed too soon.