"Malaysians are easily identified due to the fact that they change their speaking styles in accordance with the person being spoken to. They may adopt a completely different slang and accent when speaking to someone of a different race, or of a similar race. This is not, however, a form of discrimination -- it is considered casual and endearing." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malay_language
Tak perasan lak aku sebelum ni.... lagi satu character Malaysian is kita don't mind sharing. Penah kawan aku cerita, masa tu dia naik train dengan a few other Malaysian friends. Biasa la kita beli satu tin coke share 2-3 org.... pastu ada sorang mat saleh ni terus tegur "are you malaysian?" sbb dia kata org local sini will almost never do that ie sharing. They rather buy you another one than to share with you.....