Assalammualaikum, did anyone watch Islam unveiled on channel 4 last night, and will continue tonite. Last night, Samira Ahmad reported about Islam in Malaysia, and she also interviewed Dato Nik Aziz. Even though her questions were valid, I think that the story is not only damaging to our image, but the report is also misleading. I think all muslims should watch the second part tonite, i have recorded the first part last night should you want to watch it too.
I did watch that documentary: Islam Unveiled. Actually what the reporter was trying to do is to "menegakkan benang yang basah". She is trying very hard to support her ideas and/or views/principles of not wanting to wear hijab. First, she interviewed some Muslim girls here (in the UK). The girls' answers were so interesting that I think she herself could be embarresed. Later, she travelled to Iran, Turkey, and Malaysia, just to find out the answers to the questions that one can easily find the answers in the Quran. Interestingly, she went to Kelantan and interviewed Datuk Nik Aziz. Luckily, they didn't change the meaning of what Tok Guru had said (he talked in Malay and it was translated into English). The programme stopped after she interviewed a woman who is a member of Sister-In-Islam. Very interesting to watch when these two ladies met together...ya lah...kita kan tahu pejuang Sisters-In-Islam dgn minah (Samera Ahmed -- the reporter) yg memang nak cari bukti pasal tak perlu pakai tudung. The final part of the documentary is tonite at Channel aired around 12.50am. Jgn lupa tengok.
certain points mentioned in the programme, in my opinion, was cultural rather than islamic..... but the reporter did not clearly address this.... thus, it tend to be misleading especially for non-muslim....
Masitah, if you want to borrow it, just tell me when i can give you the tape.
I think, the program is quite an eye-opening, whether it is good or bad is a different matter. It is nice to see the different Islamic interpretations that exist today, albeit, misleading to a certain extent. Although I don't 100% agree with Samera Ahmad's thesis, but i do see her points. There are a few points that she brought up that are quite interesting and should be studied further. It is nice to see how we Muslims now think about our religion, and be able to discuss it in the open. We may disagree about certain things, but at least we now know what we are disagreeing about. I hope a serie like this is seen as a progressive thing, the very Islamic tradition that we should strive to achieve.
no can do lah as i am now at the uni. Anyway, i can always drop by at your place on the way to the uni tomorrow. Are u working at the shop tomorrow, or will u be here?.
One more thing, before the documentary, i recorded a film called 'six degree of separation'. If you are will smith's fan, you can enjoy the film. It is what i categorically call 'from the sublime to the ridiculous'.
thousands of apology. I called Edaro last night telling her that i forgot to take the tape with me. MMM...this friday ada yassin ke? If not, i drop by soon. Bukan apa, i have trouble with my car these few days, so i have something else in my mind everytime I start my car.
InsyaAllah, I will send the tape soon. Apology again.