baru-baru ni GSA ada buat meeting dgn pihak uni pasal PhD ni. kat computing dept (wakil GSA) ada letak borang petition dan ramai students sign petition. latest dapat tahu yg petition dan output from the meeting dibawa ke peringkat senate. pihak GSA (students and staff) minta pihak uni timbang semula cadangan yg mengatakan kalau tak abis dlm masa 4 tahun kena kick tu. so...finger crossed...
As you may know, the Graduate School Committee (GSC) submitted proposals to yesterday's Senate meeting, concerning doctoral submission rates. In the light of contributions from the floor of Senate, and bearing in mind that the Higher Education Funding Council (England) will be publishing new rules of guidance on submission rates in the early autumn, Senate decided to defer consideration of the proposals until its first meeting in the forthcoming Michaelmas term (October 2004). In the meantime, the chair of the GSC, Dr Chris Park, was invited to look again at the proposals in the light of comments made in the debate.