Untuk pengetahuan semua, rakan kita Justin suami Marcela telah dimasukkan ke hospital. Melalui SMS yg diterima, beliau telah dioperate di hospital. Any details such as wad mana dsbnya minta rakan2 Lancaster dapat disseminate any news so that we could visit him and his family.
Saya rasa semua warga Lancaster melahirkan rasa simpati dan meminta agar Marcela sekeluarga sentiasa tabah menghadapi segala dugaan. Sama-sama kita berdoa agar Justin sihat.
Terkini, Justin telah selamat dibedah di hospital NHS. This is due to his apendix. For those who want to give him or Marcela a visit. You should be able to visit him at Ward 30 Centenary Building.
All of us wish/pray him and his family well and stronger to face this situation.