Just wish to share a piece of information on how to call back to Malaysia for FREE using an O2 or T-mobile contract line!
Just call
Weekdays – 08709962917 - anytime
Weekend – 08445522917 - anytime
Follow by the ‘00’ prefix and country code and the number you wanted to get through.
Although it says about 5p per minute, but it is absolutely FREE. Make a short call and check your bills later.
Only after you confirm it is FREE then you can start calling.
It works! – no nonsense.
tak lar komisen!!!
cuma nar kongsi benda baik pada semua saudara kat uk ni!!!! paling korang ia boleh di pakai.....
kalau semua hang msia kerjasama, bandar msian pun boleh jadi kat uk ni!!!!!
moga moga lar....